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When the screen's prize cuckoo gets himself into all sorts of difficulties and extricates himself in the most excruciating manner imaginable. (Print Ad- The News, ((Adelaide, SA)) 31 March 1932)
Год: 1931
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A SHADOW DETECTIVE STORY (original poster - all caps)
Год: 1931
Режиссер: Курт Нойманн
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Something New - A Stoy of Gangsters in the Clouds! (original poster)
Год: 1931
Режиссер: Ричард Торп
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Благородные сердца
Diler Jagar
Братья Карамазовы
Les frères Karamazoff
Это наши дети?
Are These Our Children
A Bugle Blast Rings Across the Nation- and Youth's Valiant Legion Takes Heart as All America Rallies to the Fight. (Print Ad- The Citizen-Advertiser, ((Auburn, NY)) 2 December 1931)
Год: 1931
Режиссеры: Ховард Эстабрук, Уэсли Рагглз
Жанр: Драма
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Blossoming silvery blonde - daring death and destruction to discover the murderer of her brother. (original print ad)
Год: 1931
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Капитан Эплджек
Captain Applejack
Timid teatoatler until he took a shot of romance. He's the roughest, toughest, swashbuckling buccaneer that ever took a lady's love by storm- and made her like it. He'll scuttle your blues with the greatest combination of laughs and thrills. (Print Ad- Portsmouth Times, ((Portsmouth, Ohio)) 28 January 1931)
Год: 1931
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«Defenders of the Law» is one of the greatest gangsters pictures of the year! (original poster)
Год: 1931
Режиссер: Джозеф Леверинг
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Секретная служба
Im Geheimdienst
Is your daughter restless? Is she dissatisfied with her home? Does she want to step out? Tehn by all means take her to see «The Primrose Path.» (original poster)
Год: 1931
Режиссер: Уильям А. О’Коннор
Жанр: Драма
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Дуамон — ад под Верденом
Douaumont - Die Hölle von Verdun
A drama of fighting love.
Год: 1931
Режиссеры: Джордж Мелфорд, Varick Frissell
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