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Zane Grey's Whirlwind Story of the Plains
Год: 1927
Год: 1927
Режиссер: Уильям Уайлер


Год: 1927
Режиссер: Джон Уотерс
Жанр: Вестерн
Год: 1927
Жанр: Вестерн
Год: 1927
Режиссер: Джон Уотерс
Жанр: Вестерн
The Private Romance of the Nation's Most Colorful Character and Famous Outlaw.
Год: 1927
Жанр: Вестерн
Год: 1927
Режиссер: Уолтер Фабиан
Stand back! Hand at hilt- Horse ready- Masked face- Lovely lady! What has this stalwart done that he should be «The Mysterious Rider.» (Print Ad- Douglas Daily Dispatch, ((Douglas, Ariz.)) 21 February 1928)
Год: 1927
Режиссер: Джон Уотерс
Жанр: Вестерн
He was a master of two guns- but when it came to two lips-! (Print Ad-Janesville Daily Gazette,((Janesville, Wisc.)) 20 September 1929)
Год: 1928
Режиссер: Р.Л. Хью
Welcome Back, Jack!
Год: 1928
Режиссер: Джон Уотерс
Жанр: Вестерн
A Thrilling Tale of the Far Frontier.
Год: 1928
Режиссер: Р.Л. Хью
Жанр: Вестерн
Back to the Days of the Flaming West Where They Fought it out Man to Man and the Loser Never Fought Again. (Print Ad- Warsaw Union, ((Warsaw, Ind.)) 3 November 1928)
Год: 1928
Режиссер: Роберт Де Лэйси
Жанр: Вестерн
Action?- Just Overflowing With It! Thrills?- Packed with Them! Plot? -One of Redskins and White- Dashing, Daring and Compelling! That's 'The Riding Renegade.' (Print Ad-The Greenwich Journal, ((Greenwich NY)) 3 July 1929)
Год: 1928
Режиссер: Уоллес Фокс
Жанр: Вестерн
A Two-Fisted Son of the West Routs a Gang of Bank Robbers.
Год: 1928
Режиссер: Клайд Кэррат
Жанр: Вестерн
He's better than a rodeo. See-the battle with the wild horse, the running fight with the renegades. Bring the family. (Print Ad-The Frontier, ((O'Neill, Neb.)) 11 April 1929)
Год: 1928
Режиссер: Уоллес Фокс
Жанр: Вестерн
A New Kind of a Western with a New Kind of a Star--DON'T MISS IT!
Год: 1928
Режиссер: Луис Кинг
Жанр: Вестерн
Год: 1928
Режиссер: Клайд Брукман
Single-handed he saved a herd of horses, won back his brother's ranch, beat up the arch villain, drove away his enemies, and gained the heart of a girl. He was the best cowboy that ever rode Sunset Range, but they put him to work riding the kitchen range, and while clearing the trail of enemies he found the path to romance.
Год: 1928
Жанр: Вестерн
Год: 1928
Режиссер: Джеймс П. Хоган
Жанр: Вестерн
Here is Entertainment that will Thrill You- Amaze You- Delight You! Stirring Plot- Swift, Vigorous Action- and REX In His Remarkable Feats of Intelligence. (Print Ad-Daily Banner, ((Greencastle, Ind.)) 14 June 1929)
Год: 1928
Режиссер: Генри МакРэй
Жанр: Вестерн