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The human story of a crook's reformation and working- "WHILE SATAN SLEEPS" (Print Ad-Seattle Star, ((Seattle, Wash.)) 26 August 1922)
Год: 1922
Жанр: Вестерн
The story of an outcast who fell heir to the broad ranges of his father's ranch, and who came back from the Land of the Forgotten to wrest it from its enemies- and who fell in love with the sweetest girl you ever saw. (Print Ad- Altus Times-Democrat,((Altus, Oklahoma)) 15 June 1922)
Год: 1922
Режиссер: Стюарт Пейтон
Жанр: Вестерн
He tamed the lawless frontier town gang with out the aid of a six shooter.(Print Ad-Decorah Public Opinion,((Decorah, Iowa)) 29 November 1922)
Год: 1922
Режиссер: Эмметт Дж. Флинн
Жанр: Вестерн
It's a laugh every inch of the way from the ranch out Montana way where Chuck read of millionaire DePuyster's search for a long-lost heir, through feverish preparation for the trip East- including the shellacking of Ike Harper into an Indian who was to grunt confirmation of Chuck's wild tale- comic adventure on a Pullman, and the surprises which awaited the four old scamps in the effete East. (Print Ad-Flushing Daily Times, ((Flushing NY)) 5 December 1922)
Год: 1922
Режиссер: Louis Chaudet
He rode a horse like a cloud rides the wind, and he fought for the woman he loved as the tigress fights for her cubs. (Print Ad- The Post-Express, ((Rochester, NY)) 5 May 1923)
Год: 1922
Режиссеры: Скотт Р. Данлэп, К.Р. Уоллес
Жанр: Вестерн

Ропин Фул

The Ropin' Fool
Год: 1922
Режиссер: Кларенс Дж. Баджер
See TOM MIX and his horse TONY break up a bunch of bandits
Год: 1922
Жанр: Вестерн
Год: 1922
Режиссер: Ирвинг Каммингс
Жанр: Вестерн

Вкус полыни

The Sagebrush Trail
A dare-devil, hard-riding, quick-shooting man. A brave girl. A clever villain. Some hearty chuckles. Spectacular thrills. A real plot that keeps you guessing. (Print Ad-Flushing Daily Times, ((Flushing NY)) 2 February 1923)
Год: 1922
Жанр: Вестерн
Год: 1922
Режиссер: Робин Х. Таунли
Жанр: Вестерн

Рагглз из Ред-Геп

Ruggles of Red Gap
This is no picture for people with weak hearts- you'll die laughing! A man wanted his home redecorated, so he took his landlord to see 'Ruggles of Red Gap.' They both came out smiling and the rest was easy. (Print Ad- Warsaw Daily Times, ((Warsaw, Ind.)) 15 January 1924)
Год: 1923
Режиссер: Джеймс Круз
Год: 1923
Режиссер: Роберт Н. Брэдбери
Жанр: Вестерн
A Production Which Recalls Custer's Last Stand In Wild Bill's Last Defense. (Print Ad-Greensboro Daily News, ((Greensboro NC)) 23 November 1923)
Год: 1923
Жанр: Вестерн
GOLD! A whirlwind romance of red-blooded men, of yellow gold, and a blue-blooded girl! (original poster)
Год: 1923
Режиссер: Джордж Маршалл
THE GREATEST CHAPTER PLAY OF ALL TIME! (print ad - Amarillo Globe News - Liberty Theatre - Amarillo, Texas - March 10, 1924 - all caps)
Год: 1923
Жанр: Вестерн
Год: 1923
Режиссер: Эмметт Дж. Флинн
Жанр: Вестерн

Зов каньона

The Call of the Canyon
Год: 1923
Режиссер: Виктор Флеминг
Жанр: Вестерн
If you like cyclone action; if you appreciate powerful drama; if you respond to bristling romance; if you're entertained by real Western drama, full of every element that has made movies popular, by all means see this picture! (Print Ad-Warsaw Daily Times, ((Warsaw, Ind.)) 6 October 1923)
Год: 1923
Жанр: Вестерн
Bill's on the firing line again! All set to greet you with a fusillade of old-time thrills. In the same man's man type of story that made him famous. (Print Ad- Pullman Herald, ((Pullman, Wash.)) 1 February 1924)
Год: 1923
A picture that rushes over sandy deserts, rocky mountains, a thundering cavalry troop, alternating with scenes of comedy. (Print Ad- Fargo Forum,((Fargo ND)) 4 April 1924)
Год: 1923
Режиссер: Эдвард Седжвик