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Опасный бизнес

Dangerous Business
A Picture That Soars Like a Rocket When Placed in Contrast With the Average Feature Pictures. (Print Ad-Watertown Daily Times, ((Watertown NY)) 3 August 1921)
Год: 1920
Режиссер: Рой Уильям Нилл
A picture that makes you sit up, wherein one Reginald Jay takes to his bed so the law can't take him to court. Love sets in! The patient develops alarming symptoms---calls for his nurse---sinks faster and faster, until ---a romance that starts with old lovers 'in wrong' and ends with new lover 'in right.' (Print Ad-Painesville Telegraph, ((Painesville, Ohio)) 24 July 1920)
Год: 1920
Режиссер: Сэм Вуд
WHEW! BOLSHEVIKS! --AND CONNIE'S AMONG 'EM! (Print ad- Sunday Times,((Sydney NSW)) 28 August 1921)
Год: 1920
Режиссер: Дэвид Керклэнд
Undoubtedly Wally's best picture to date and BEBE DANIELS as the Bad Little Good Girl makes the hit of her career. (Print Ad- Painesville Telegraph, ((Painesville, Ohio)) 16 June 1920)
Год: 1920
Can right ever come about from wrong? Mary Manchester thought it could when she agreed to pose as Adeliade Rutherford, her double, and prevent the fortune from going back to the state. But when she learned that she was cheating a nice young man out of his inheritance, she rebelled. Come see how she made up for the wrong she had done. (Print Ad- Rochester Sentinel, ((Rochester, Ind.)) 31 January 1921)
Год: 1920
Режиссер: Джон Инс
The gripping story of a man who was given five days to live. How would you spend those 120 hours? (Print Ad)
Год: 1920
Режиссер: Скотт Р. Данлэп

Старомодный юноша

An Old Fashioned Boy
A Picture That Shows Why Charles Ray is the Best Loved Actor on the Screen (Print Ad- Watertown Daily Times,((Watertown, NY)) 24 June 1921)
Год: 1920
Режиссер: Джерри Сторм


The Mollycoddle
Год: 1920
Режиссер: Виктор Флеминг

В поисках грешника

In Search of a Sinner
Yoi'll Say This Is The Funniest, Naughty Nicest Comedy Drama You Have Ever Seen-Girls, Bring Your Favorite Sinner- This Is Leap Year, You Know- (Print Ad)
Год: 1920
Режиссер: Дэвид Керклэнд


The Flapper
16-летняя Женевьев растет в скучном городке Орандж Спрингс, в штате Флорида. Из-за ее мальчишеского поведения и стремления к бурной жизни, отец решает отправить дочь в школу-интернат для благородных девиц миссис Пэддлз.
Год: 1920
Режиссер: Алан Кросленд
The serial with a thousand punches.
Год: 1920
Режиссер: В.С. Ван Дайк

Дочери Колхизела

Kohlhiesels Töchter
У хозяина трактира Колхизела две дочери на выданье. Младшая Гретель – приветливая красотка, а старшая Лизель – сущая мегера, чьих кулаков побаиваются все парни в округе. Многие не прочь жениться на Гретель, но папаша Колхизел хочет сначала выдать за…
Год: 1920
Режиссер: Эрнст Любич
Год: 1920
Режиссеры: Норманд МакДональд, Норман МакДональд

Не говори ничего

Don't Tell Everything
Год: 1921
Режиссер: Сэм Вуд
A rose of old Italy, transplanted to American soil, there to bloom and flame, hate and love, in the intense old world manner. (Print Ad- Barre Daily Times, ((Barre, Vt.)) 5 December 1921)
Год: 1921
Режиссер: Джордж Тервиллигер
A female detective who engages in the novel occupation of rescuing unwary males from designing and unacceptable women. (Print Ad-Sunday Chronicle, ((Paterson, NJ)) 11 December 1921)
Год: 1921
Режиссер: Даллас М. Фицджералд
Bebe Daniels In a zippy story of what happened when a too-strictly brought up girl attained her majority and «stepped out.» (Print Ad- Greensburg Daily Tribune, ((Greensburg, Penna.)) 12 January 1922)
Год: 1921
Режиссер: Морис Кэмпбелл


Buried Treasure
Год: 1921
Год: 1921

Уроки любви

Lessons in Love
Oh! Bashful ones, you'll laugh as you never laughed before! IT'S CONNIE'S GREATEST AND BEST! (Print Ad- Waikato Times, ((Hamilton, NZ)) 5 November 1921)
Год: 1921
Режиссер: Честер Уитей