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A Mirth Comedy
Год: 1921
Режиссер: Марсель Перез
Год: 1921
Жанр: Комедия

Кино, флирт и обучение

Film, flirt og forlovelse
Год: 1921
Режиссер: Лау Лауритцен
Жанр: Комедия

На Октоберфесте

Auf dem Oktoberfest
Карл Валентин вместе с супругой отправляется повеселиться на ежегодное народное гуляние Октоберфест. Там же его будет ждать и его молодая любовница...
Год: 1921
Режиссеры: Джозеф Шмидт, Джозеф Валле
Back to the screen comes Marguerite Clark in the happiest piece of hilarity you've ever seen her in. (Print ad- Aurora Daily Star, ((Aurora, Ills.)) 12 October 1921)
Год: 1921
Режиссер: Эдвард Х. Гриффит
Жанр: Комедия
Год: 1921
Режиссер: Роллин С. Старджон
Жанр: Комедия
The story of a Little Scotch Girl brought up on a diet of Cold Mutton and a Dress Allowance of «next to nothing», who is suddenly left a fortune of £30,000 a year, and is faced with the Great Question, How to Spend It? (Print Ad- The Age, ((Melbourne, Vic.)) 27 December 1921)
Год: 1921
Режиссер: В.П. Келлино
Жанр: Комедия
If you have a wife, used to have a wife or are threatened with matrimony see, Eddie Lyons and Lee Moran in A SHOCKING NIGHT if laughs cost a dollar apiece only Rockefeller or Morgan could afford to see the Shocking Night. (Print Ad- Walker County Messenger, ((LaFayette, Ga.)) 18 February 1921)
Год: 1921
Режиссеры: Ли Моран, Эдди Лайонс
Жанр: Комедия


A six-act Sunshine Comedy Riot featuring 3,000 of America's Lovliest Girls Together With the World Famous Singer Midget Troupe and Their Menagerie of Trained Animals, The Jazziest, Funniest, Most Thrilling, Most Sensational Comedy Novelty Ever Concieved. (Print ad copy, Journal And Republican, ((Lowville, N.Y.)) 6 October 1921)
Год: 1921
Режиссер: Хэмптон Дель Рут
Жанр: Комедия
Год: 1921
Год: 1922
Режиссеры: Виктор Шерцингер, Пол Берн
Жанр: Комедия
A question that everyone in the world has asked, is asking or will ask. That makes it one of the best box-office titles ever imagined. A play that's a scream from start to finish, with a cast of popular favorites. It will stand up high in the list of 1922 record-breakers.
Год: 1922
Режиссер: Джеймс Круз
Жанр: Комедия


The Sawmill
Год: 1922
Режиссеры: Норман Торог, Ларри Симон
No city feller could come sneaking into town and start any runctions- not while the community had a constable, with a badge and a gun and everything. (Print Ad- Albuquerque Morning Journal, ((Albuquerque NM)) 28 October 1922)
Год: 1922
Режиссер: Уильям Бодайн
Жанр: Комедия
Let Your Love Affairs Be Strictly Business! The article originally read 'Let your life affairs be strictly business'; but a curious twist of fate changed the reading and the whole course of John Henry Jackson's life. He soon found that he had 'Too Much Business' (Print Ad- Albuquerque Morning Journal, ((Albuquerque NM)) 29 October 1922)
Год: 1922
Режиссер: Джесс Роббинс
Жанр: Комедия
THE INNER MANis a novel production that is interesting and entertaining in a light melodramatic way in which Wyndham Standing as a timid professor discovers a plot to cheat his father in the development of his valuable mining property and finds his manhood with Dorothy Mackaill as a mountain maid and his inspiration. (Print Ad- Aspen Times-Democrat, ((Aspen, Colo.)) 25 April 1924)
Год: 1922
Режиссер: Хэмилтон Смит
Жанр: Комедия
Год: 1922
Режиссер: Бад Фишер
She'd waited months for her sweetheart to write 'come on over'- and he kept losing jobs. So here she was unbidden. That's where her troubles and your laughs begin- a story with Rupert Hughes at his best- homely. human and a howl. (Print Ad- Evening Capital, ((Annapolis, Md.)) 3 July 1922)
Год: 1922
Режиссер: Альфред Э. Грин
Жанр: Комедия
Год: 1922
Жанр: Комедия
Год: 1922