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He can see other people's thoughts like they are happening. He can use 10 times more his brain quality than regular humans. He is the next step in human evolution, and he is not ready for that, yet.
Режиссер: Thiago Moyses
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He's held the fort. He's kept the faith. Now the Vicar needs a little intervention.
Жанр: Фантастика
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Be careful with what you download
Режиссер: Albert Arizza
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Second Variety
What if you could look like anyone you wanted?
Режиссер: Nausheen Ishtiaq-Chen
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A time of darkness has fallen upon the galaxy; it is the Great Jedi Purge. After Emperor Palpatine initiated Order 66, Jedi everywhere are being hunted down as traitors of the Galactic Empire.
Режиссер: Аарон М. Кан
Жанр: Фантастика
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In this 1 and 0 binary world, can a zero be the one to bring it all down?
Жанр: Фантастика
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The Blob
Незнакомая форма жизни, используемая правительством как оружие, при тестировании уничтожает всё на своем пути.
Режиссер: Саймон Уэст
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