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Artificial Intelligence
Режиссер: Евгения Радилова
Meet the Best of the Worst
Режиссер: Майкл А. Исаак
A little boy is humanity's last hope from reaching extinction.
Режиссер: Thiago Moyses
They're here
In society's blind drive forward, some people are left behind.
Режиссер: Martin Truscott


Three Astronauts. A Mysterious Alien World. Humanity's Last Hope.
Режиссер: Jeffrey Morris
Alien explorers intercept Earth's TV signals. Nothing could have prepared them for what they see.
Режиссер: Nathan T. Rhodes
Nine failed. Number 10 is awake. And she's not happy.
Режиссер: Тим Хьюит
Infinity and Eternity
Режиссер: Roman A. Tolic
An A. I machine that is not what it seems.
Mia and Tony, ready to start a family, are presented with the opportunity to modify their unborn child's DNA to give it a healthy and full life, but will they share the same vision of what their child's life should be?
Режиссер: Брайант Террелл Гриффин
Lizard People rule over mankind in secret, but everyone already knows that.
Режиссер: Brandon Crowson
What matters the most at the end?
Режиссер: Хамза Заман
A Gluten Free Time Travel Story
Their famous last words will be "The slayer is here!"
Режиссер: Alexzander Rogers
What if popularity came in a pill? Would you take it?
It's not where they are going, but when.
Режиссер: Brian K Bennett
Et la bataille finit faute de combattants...
Режиссер: Jean-Michel Fouque
Don't let the eye lock you away.