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HEARST'S SENSATIONAL SERIAL SUCCESS! (original poster-all caps)
Год: 1928
Режиссер: Линн Шоурс
All the sparkle and pep of the jazz age woven into a tense screen fabric of love and adventure. (Print Ad- Bend Bulletin, ((Bend, Ore.)) 13 July 1929)
Год: 1928
Режиссер: Кристи Кэбэнн
Жанр: Драма
An epic of the dogs of war, packed with romance and action. (Print Ad- Stubeuben Courier, ((Bath, NY)) 1 March 1929)
Год: 1928
Режиссер: В.С. Ван Дайк
A Daring Drama of Missing Girls and Careless Parents. (Print Ad- Sarasota Herald, ((Sarasota, Fla.)) 1 January 1929)
Год: 1928
Режиссер: Марк Сэндрич
Жанр: Драма

Роман преступного мира

Romance of the Underworld
The story of a speakeasy hostess who breaks away from her sordid life and through courage and faith wins happiness as a wife. (Print ad- The Angola Record, ((Angola, NY)) 21 February 1929)
Год: 1928
Режиссер: Ирвинг Каммингс
Жанр: Драма

Жёны моряков

Sailors' Wives
A Sensational Drama of Society's Dizzy Set!
Год: 1928
Режиссер: Джозеф Энабери
A drama of underworld love in the mysterious western ghetto! (Print Ad-Albany Times-Union. ((Albany NY)) 7 August 1928)
Год: 1928
Режиссер: Рой Уильям Нилл
Жанр: Драма
Год: 1928
Режиссеры: Сесил Б. ДеМилль, Руперт Джулиан
Жанр: Драма
Superb Romance!
Год: 1928
Режиссер: Гарри Бомонт
Her beauty alone lifted her from the streets of Frisco into the lap of luxury. But she was AFRAID OF HER PAST and FEARFUL OF THE FUTURE. A love romance of a little spit-fire. (Print Ad- Steuben Courier, ((Bath, NY)) 25 January 1929)
Год: 1928
Режиссер: Уильям А. Сайтер
Жанр: Драма
She Started Her Search For Happiness Married to a Crook!
Год: 1928
Режиссер: Уильям А. Сайтер
Жанр: Драма
THE ANTARCTIC You'll chill You'll quiver You'll gasp You'll love it IT'S A NEW THRILL! (Print Ad- Evening Record, ((Ellensburg, Wash.)) 4 November 1929)
Год: 1928
Жанр: Драма

Из руин

Out of the Ruins
The Sweetest Love Story of the Year!
Год: 1928
Режиссер: Джон Френсис Диллон
Жанр: Драма

Колесо случая

Wheel of Chance
Every kind of love in this thrill-packed drama. The eternal mother-love. The love of brother for brother. The glorious sweetheart love of two boys for the same girl. «Our Dick» blends them all into one mighty drama. It's so real, so life-like, you're seeing a moving picture.
Год: 1928
Режиссер: Альфред Сентелл
Жанр: Драма

Пришествие маленького Пастыря

The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come
What Would You Give to See Another "Tol'able David'? with the same thrilling kind of story-in the same setting-with the same lovable sort of lad as the hero- Here it is! (Print Ad-Edmonton Journal,((Edmonton,Alta.)) 5 May 1928)
Год: 1928
Режиссер: Альфред Сентелл


The Noose
The Season's Greatest Picture!
Год: 1928
Режиссер: Джон Френсис Диллон
Жанр: Драма
The fighting romance of a bashful "pug" who put on the dog because he fell hard for a blonde glove clerk. Then fate handed him a K.O. when the girl of his dreams double crossed him. But they couldn't keep "Kid" McKinney down for the count...even in Society!
Год: 1928
Режиссер: Джеймс Флуд
Жанр: Драма
Год: 1928
Режиссер: Джеймс Круз
Жанр: Драма
SEE and HEAR WARNER BROS. 100% ALL-TALKING PICTURE (original print ad - mostly caps)
Год: 1928
Режиссер: Арчи Майо
Год: 1928
Жанр: Драма