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The Most Beautiful Woman in the World in the Most Beautiful Picture of Her Career! (original poster)
Год: 1927
Режиссер: Джеймс Флуд
A picture which tells a great moral lesson without preaching.(Print Ad- The Cobbleskill Index,((Cobbleskill, NY)) 29 September 1927)
Год: 1927
Жанр: Драма

Лакированный парень

The Patent Leather Kid
The Greatest Screen Achievement In Years
Год: 1927
Режиссер: Альфред Сентелл
Don't say «Don't» to your daughter--see what happened to love starved Billy Dove in «Sensation Seekers» She would do anything for a thrill. a real story of the present generation. (Print Ad- The Cobleskill Index,((Cobleskill, NY)) 20 October 1927)
Год: 1927
Режиссер: Лоис Вебер
A dramatic story of a modern maiden's courage- life and love- tears and laughter- splendidly played by brilliant cast. (Print Ad- Philadelphia Inquirer, ((Philadelphia, Penna.)) 9 February 1930)
Год: 1927
Режиссер: Морис Элвей
Tense drama of the dangers which dog the footsteps of those who defy conventions and seek amusement playing with the love of others.
Год: 1927
They called him "Easy Goin»," "Rough- Ridin» Randall; they called him a "Brute," yet he had a tender heart! (Print Ad- Daily News, ((Batavia, NY)) 1 June 1927)
Год: 1927
Режиссер: Ирвинг Каммингс
5 часов утра. Гарри с трудом просыпается на диковинной мансарде, расположенной на вершине длиннющей лестницы - как минимум в 50 ступенек. Начальник Гарри заставил его работать до полуночи и теперь кричит, чтобы подчиненный немедленно спустился. Гарр…
Год: 1927
Режиссер: Гарри Лэнгдон
A Perfect Melodrama Of daring deeds, red-blooded action, thrilling escapes and an intriguing love twist will hold you spellbound as this tense drama of Secret Service agents at work along the Chinese waterfront unfolds.
Год: 1927
Режиссер: Джордж Б. Сэйтц
"Blind Alleys" will open your eyes to an entirely new and different Tom Meighan- and lead to you through reel upon reel of glorious entertainment. (Print Ad- The Observer, ((Newberry, SC)) 15 July 1927)
Год: 1927
Режиссер: Фрэнк Таттл
A SEA DRAMA With a sweet, poignant love romance; delightful, refreshing, amazing, beautiful, thrilling and appealing.
Год: 1927
Режиссер: Элмер Клифтон
Жанр: Драма
ANOTHER COLUMBIA BOX-OFFICE SMASH! (trade paper ad-all caps)
Год: 1927
Режиссер: Эдвард Х. Гриффит
A dramatic story of workers and shirkers.
Год: 1927
Режиссер: Ральф Грейвз
A Gripping Romance of a Boy and Girl whose lives were shattered by circumstantial evidence. Should a boy pay with his life for the mistakes of his father? (Print ad- Gippsland Times, ((Gippsland, Victoria)) 13 February 1928)
Год: 1927
Режиссер: Эдвард Х. Гриффит
A Dramatic Story of Two Light-Fingered Men and a Beautiful Girl (Print ad- Gridley Herald, ((Gridlley, Calif.)) 19 May 1928)
Год: 1927
Режиссер: Джордж Арчэйнбод
Жанр: Драма
A Stirring Tale of Love and Hate in the Searing Sands of Northern Africa!
Год: 1927
Режиссер: Джордж Мелфорд
Жанр: Драма

Назад в страну Бога

Back to God's Country
Год: 1927
Режиссер: Ирвин Уиллат
A BLUE STREAK of ACTION! (original poster)
Год: 1927
Режиссер: Ламберт Хилльер
One hour of mother-love- one hour of romance- one hour of revenge (Print Ad- Wood County Democrat, ((Quitman, Tx.)) 25 May 1927)
Год: 1927
Режиссер: Джеймс Флуд
Жанр: Драма
It's a Drama of Bright Lights and Broken Hearts ---of a girl who danced to fame behind the footlights and a boy who saved her! (Print Ad)
Год: 1927
Режиссер: Виктор Гэльперин
Жанр: Драма