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Год: 1920
He didn't know she was a Broadway chorus girl, a runaway from a drunken party at a nearby road house. SHE DIDN'T KNOW- that she had invaded the country retreat of three bachelors- women haters- but she stayed there with them two wonderful weeks. (Print Ad- Bismarck Daily Tribune, ((Bismarck ND)) 23 February 1920)
Год: 1920
Год: 1920
Режиссер: Джон Форд
Жанр: Драма
Год: 1920
Режиссер: Джон Форд
Жанр: Драма
Two Men Physical Doubles, one Broke, the other rich. They Exchanged Places. (Print Ad- The Age, ((Melbourne, Vic.)) 28 October 1920)
Год: 1920
Режиссеры: Кларенс Дж. Баджер, Джордж Д. Бэйкер
SHE WAITED 17 YEARS-DID HE? They met as boy and girl- met for a moment on the garden wall. And though Fate separated them, she waited. Hope kept alive through all the dreary years by the sweet recollection of one embrace. (Print Ad- Spartanburg Herald- ((Spartanburg SC)) 5 May 1920)
Год: 1920
Год: 1920
Жанр: Драма
WHO KILLED MONTY PALISER? Three confessed. One hand drove the knife. Whose was the hand? (Print Ad-Reading Eagle, ((Reading, Penna.)) 27 August 1920)
Год: 1920
Режиссер: Уильям Парк
The North Wind, which wraps men in its frozen arms and breeds the red-hot fury of melancholia in their hearts. A picture with the Rex Beach smash in every foot! (Print Ad -Urbana Daily Democrat, ((Urbana, Ohio)) 9 May 1921)
Год: 1920
Режиссеры: Карл Харбо, Пол Берн
Жанр: Драма
A Great Story of How a Reformer Was Reformed.
Год: 1920
Режиссер: Гарри Бомонт
Жанр: Драма
Год: 1920
Режиссер: Генри Кинг
The Lorelei had finally dragged the fool with her act (original lobby card)
Год: 1920
Жанр: Драма
A story of an Irishman Who fails heir to a fortune and takes a trip around the world in search of adventure. He finds it aplenty and love and romance in the bargain. (Print Ad- Providence News, ((Providence, RI)) 26 March 1921)
Год: 1920
Режиссер: Аллан Дуон
Жанр: Драма

Куда вы спешите?

What's Your Hurry?
For the sake of a girl whose dad despised racers, he swore off speed cars and went to boosting trucks. Only to get himself and dad arrested. A girl; the cops; a storm; a bursted dam; and a soul-stirring race against death. (Print Ad-Auburn Citizen, ((Auburn, NY)) 15 January 1921)
Год: 1920
Режиссер: Сэм Вуд
Год: 1920

Вечер — Ночь — Утро

Abend - Nacht - Morgen
Год: 1920
Режиссер: Фридрих Вильгельм Мурнау
Жанр: Драма
Год: 1920
Режиссер: Рихард Освальд
Жанр: Драма
Год: 1920
Жанр: Драма
A story of love and home and the "double Standard" that haunts women's hearts. Perhaps a story of a home YOU know. (Print Ad- Nevada Daily Mail, ((Nevada, Mo.)) 17 July 1920)
Год: 1920
Режиссер: Фред Нибло
Жанр: Драма


Год: 1920
Режиссер: Фред Нибло
Жанр: Драма