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«WHAT'S fair for the man is fair for the woman,» she said. And marriage to her was a matter of «fifty-fifty.» Do you think a wife should tamely accept a salary from her husband for being faithful and pretty? Married or single, you'd better see «The Thirteenth Commandment.» (Print Ad- Vancouver Sunday Sun, ((Vancouver BC)) 18 April 1920)
Год: 1920
Режиссер: Роберт Дж. Виньола
Жанр: Драма
в закладки
Мятеж на Эльсиноре
The Mutiny of the Elsinore
Двойная скорость
Double Speed
A BREEZY tale of a millionaire who became a chauffeur to win a girl- Innocently took the name of a notorious crook- Was forced to pose as his real self. (Print Ad- The Daily Colonist, ((Victoria, BC)) 29 May 1920)
Год: 1920
Режиссер: Сэм Вуд
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A red blooded drama of a man's fight and the faith of a woman. A story of a hero who was helped to win out by the devotion of a faithful dog. (Print Ad- Pullman Herald, ((Pullman, Wash.)) 8 July 1921)
Год: 1920
Режиссер: Роберт Торнби
Жанр: Драма
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A story that throbs and pulsates with the strongest human emotion (Print ad- Lewiston Evening Journal, ((Lewiston, Me.)) 21 February 1921)
Год: 1920
Режиссер: Ховард С. Хикман
Жанр: Драма
в закладки
Человек со складным ножом
The Jack-Knife Man
She tickled the chin of the gay old world till it gave her fame and fortune. Then she traded her heart to a regular man who gave her only love. A zippy trip through pleasure's playground via New York and Monte Carlo. (Print Ad- Warsaw Daily Times, ((Warsaw, Ind.)) 5 December 1921)
Год: 1920
Режиссер: Харлей Ноул
Жанр: Драма
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The Toll Gate
Год: 1920
Режиссер: Ламберт Хилльер
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There's a combination to promote health and happiness. You'll gasp at Sylvia's audacity; you'll laugh at the mischief caused by her good intentions and badly directed efforts; and every minute you'll be in hearty sympathy with the love for Watt which prompted her mirth-provoking activities. (Print Ad-Portsmouth Daily Times, ((Portsmouth, Ohio)) 12 February 1921)
Год: 1920
Режиссер: Джеймс Круз
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The Amateur Wife
IRENE CASTLE in a Zippy Romance of a French Girl Who Made Broadway Stop, Look and Listen (Print Ad- Newark Sunday Call, ((Newark, NJ)) 11 July 1920)
Год: 1920
Режиссер: Эдвард Диллон
Жанр: Драма
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If you look for color in every day life! If you seek romance over the rim of the world! If you heart craves change and your soul cries out for action! Come and See George B. Seitz and June Caprice in Rogues and Romance (Print Ad- Portsmouth Daily Times, ((Portsmouth, Ohio)) 1 March 1921)
Год: 1920
Жанр: Драма
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'Dinty' Will Be Loved By Everyone Who Sees Him. It Is a Real Human Picture With Laughs and Thrills Galore. By Far Neilan's Best Picture.
Год: 1920
Режиссеры: Маршалл Нейлан, Джон МакДермотт
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She found her life too tame. So she threw discretion to the winds and started out alone to seek adventure. You'll say she wasn't disappointed! (Print Ad-Painesville Telegraph, ((Painesville, Ohio)) 29 June 1920)
Год: 1920
Режиссер: Роберт З. Леонард
в закладки
Семейная честь
The Family Honor