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Профессор Гезеллиус в последний день своего путешествия по Китаю, (куда он ездил для изучения опиума) знакомится с китайцем Нунг-Чангом и его дочерью Син, которую тот держит взаперти. Нунг-Чанг рассказывает ему, как 17 лет назад его жена изменила ем…
Год: 1919
Жанр: Драма
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The Gripping Story of a Woman of the Underworld Who Gave Up Her Crooked Life to Become a Good Angel to Her Sweetheart (Print Ad-Meriden Morning Record, ((Meriden, Conn.)) 4 June 1919)
Год: 1919
Режиссер: Фрэнк Ллойд
Жанр: Драма
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Come and make merry with him, grin with him, join his dinner and theater parties, help him choose hats for his lady friends- AND LOOK INSIDE THAT GREAT BIG HEART OF HIS, and perhaps you'll understand why they all called him «The Gay Old Dog.» It isn't ALL gaiety- not ALL the time! (Print Ad- Salt Lake Tribune, ((Salt Lake City, Utah)) 5 December 1919)
Год: 1919
Режиссер: Хобарт Хенли
Жанр: Драма
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All Sorts of Things Happened at Green Gables When Anne's Imagination got busy. (Print Ad- Troy Sunday Budget, ((Troy NY)) 11 January 1920)
Год: 1919
Режиссер: Уильям Десмонд Тейлор
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Откройте глаза
Open Your Eyes
A Flaming Dramatic Thunderbolt of Youth Disillusioned and Love Betrayed!
Год: 1919
Жанр: Драма
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He is worth millions. She is a chorus girl. tradition demands that she «grab» him quick. But she smashes tradition, although she thinks the world of him. Why did she do it? No one objected to their marriage. Then Why? Come and see. (Print Ad- Washington Sunday News, ((Washington, Penna.)) 11 May 1919)
Год: 1919
Режиссер: Джордж Мелфорд
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Мрачная игра
The Grim Game
Houdini offers $1000 reward to anyone proving the aeroplane crash in midair is not genuine. (Print Ad-Toledo News-Bee, ((Toledo, Ohio)) 18 October 1919)
Год: 1919
Режиссер: Ирвин Уиллат
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Долина гигантов
The Valley of the Giants
They had gone too far. The friends of his youth---his redwoods---towering on the slopes he loved, to these vandal 'pioneers' were only 'lumber'. And when they felled the hoary giant that guarded his mother's grave- then it was man against man, camp against camp- to the death! (Print Ad- Bismarck Daily Tribune, ((Bismarck ND)) 18 March 1920)
Год: 1919
Режиссер: Джеймс Круз
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LOVE, ROMANCE, WALL STREET AND THE SOUL OF HUMANITY The Great Drama of the Masses of America! (Print Ad- Painesville Telegraph, ((Painesville, Ohio)) 18 June 1920)
Год: 1919
Режиссер: Бертрам Брекен
Жанр: Драма
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Построй свой дом
Build Thy House
Sneered at, hated, falsely convicted of murder, he uttered never a word.
Год: 1920
Режиссер: Чарльз Мэнье
Жанр: Драма
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По мотивам драмы Гюго «Анджело, тиран Падуанский».
Год: 1920
Режиссер: Михаил Нароков
Жанр: Драма
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Её первый побег с возлюбленным
Her First Elopement
RICH YACHT OWNER ELOPES WITH WRONG GIRL (Print ad- Nashua Telegraph, (Nashua, NH)) 5 December 1921)
Год: 1920
Режиссер: Сэм Вуд
Жанр: Драма
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When you see The Man From Snowy River it will make you feel proud you are an Australian. (Print Ad- The Age, (( Melbourne, Victoria)) 30 October 1920)
Год: 1920
Режиссеры: Бомонт Смит, Джон К. Уэллс
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Карнавал истин
Le carnaval des vérités