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A tale of two women, the strong and the weak, and of exalted self-sacrifice in high life. (Print Ad-Easton Free Press, ((Easton, Penna.)) 26 September 1919)
Год: 1919
Режиссер: Ховард М. Митчелл
Жанр: Драма
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Hounded by Her Past, Kicked by Cruel Fate, She Sacrifices Self to Save Those She loves A Heroine Who Lives and Dies Unknown (Print Ad- Bismarck Daily Tribune, ((Bismarck ND)) 15 April 1920)
Год: 1919
Режиссер: Уэсли Рагглз
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Скрытая правда
The Hidden Truth
Out on the trackless desert was her husband- dead or alive? She knew not which. Her lover was accused of his murder. (Print Ad- Arizona Republican, ((Phoenix, Az)) 18 September 1921)
Год: 1919
Режиссер: Джулиус Стегер
Жанр: Драма
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It's Better Than 'FLAME OF THE YUKON'! (original poster)
Год: 1919
Режиссер: Джозеф Де Грасс
Жанр: Драма
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The First and Only Photoplay Ever Made on Alaskan Soil.
Год: 1919
Режиссер: Аль Ира Смит
Жанр: Драма
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He was one of those men who won't be dared. She knew in her heart that somewhere, some time, that third kiss was coming to her just as surely as her next birthday.
Год: 1919
Режиссер: Роберт Дж. Виньола
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They wanted to get married so what does the lucky man do? Goes out and steals $300 With her after him on the jump! (Print Ad-Daily Times, ((Beaver, Penna,)) 4 August 1919)
Год: 1919
Режиссер: Роберт Дж. Виньола
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There isn't a real cloud in this picture-just a few shadows to accent the brilliant sunshine of her youth and geniality and spontaneous optimism. (Print Ad- The Bellingham Herald, ((Bellingham, Wash.)) 18 July 1919)
Год: 1919
Режиссер: Роберт Дж. Виньола
Жанр: Драма
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Потерянный батальон
The Lost Battalion
The saddest, the most tragic and sublimest Story in all the world (Print ad- Oswego ((N. Y.)) Daily Times, 14 April 1920)
Год: 1919
Режиссер: О.Э. Гобель
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GLADYS BROCKWELL In a drama of the slums, love and regeneration (Print ad- Alexandria Gazette, ((Alexandria, Va.)) 31 December 1919)
Год: 1919
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A woman at bay-and the man who paid the price (Print Ad-The Calgary Daily Herald,((Calgary, Alta.)) 8 March 1919)
Год: 1919
Жанр: Драма
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Год: 1919
Режиссер: Эдвард Диллон
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Did YOUR sweetheart ever turn you down? Men do it, the wretches, and go off with another girl without caring a bit about the injured woman. THEY NEED TO LEARN HOW TO TREAT WOMEN. BRING THAT LAGGARD SWEETHEART TO SEE «CHOOSING A WIFE» (Print Ad- Alaska Daily Empire,((Juneau, Alaska)) 19 March 1921)
Год: 1919
Режиссер: Перси Нэш
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Сюнневе Сульбаккен
Synnöve Solbakken
The story of a good-for-nothing who fought his way to fame.
Год: 1919
Режиссер: Уилльям Уолперт
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THINGS BEGIN TO HAPPEN WHEN JOHNNY WIGGINS BREAKS LOOSE (Print Ad- Pittsburgh Press, ((Pittsburgh, Penna.)) 9 March 1919)
Год: 1919
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