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Смотреть фильмы из категории драма в Full 1080 онлайн

Невинная Магдалена

An Innocent Magdalene
Small Town Gossip Did It---Drove a faithful wife to believe the worst of her husband and caused her to suffer much ignominy. Her husband's timely return restores her old-time happiness, and softens the heart of the hard old Kentucky father. This is what you see in 'An Innocent Magdalene' (Print Ad-The Champain Democrat,((Urbana, Ohio)) 1 September 1916)
Год: 1916
Режиссер: Аллан Дуон
Жанр: Драма

Проданная замуж

Sold for Marriage
Год: 1916
Режиссер: Кристи Кэбэнн

Дафна и пират

Daphne and the Pirate
Год: 1916
Режиссер: Кристи Кэбэнн

Гибель нации

The Fall of a Nation
Rev. T.B. Gregory said: 'I don't believe the American lives who could see this wonderful film without feeling that unpreparedness is a CRIME. If I were a rich man i would make Thos. Dixon a present of a million dollars just for the one scene in which the Hon. Plato Barker meets the brutal invaders of our country with pink tea words of love and peace- and is set to peeling potatoes for his idiocy. the great audience recognizing in the Hon. Barker a likeness of WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN, came pretty near lifting the roof off the building.' (Print Ad- Newburgh Journal, ((Newburgh NY)) 2 December 1916)
Год: 1916
Режиссер: Томас Ф. Диксон мл.
Жанр: Драма
An Absorbing Drama of a Quaint Community Romance
Год: 1916
Режиссер: Отис Тернер
Жанр: Драма
A story of political intrigue and a photoplay document of unusual fascination. Gripping and nerve racking. Dealing with legislation and lobbyists. It is a most timely subject. (Print Ad- The Day, ((New London, Conn.)) 1 November 1916)
Год: 1916
Жанр: Драма
Telling in a forcible and decisive manner how difficult it is to combat the weakness of man once they are thoroughly ingrained within a man's soul. (Print Ad- Jamestown Evening Journal, ((Jamestown NY)) 26 July 1916)
Год: 1916
Режиссер: Бэрри О’Нил
Жанр: Драма
Faith, Hope and Charity, and the Greatest of These is Charity.
Год: 1916
Режиссер: Эдвин Стивенс
Жанр: Драма
Год: 1916
Режиссер: Алис Ги
Год: 1916
Жанр: Драма
Год: 1916
Режиссер: L.C. MacBean
Год: 1916
Режиссер: Мориц Стиллер
Жанр: Драма
An adaptation of Edwin Milton Royle's famous stage play of the same name. The story is wholesome and big and develops through breathless suspense to one of the most thrilling climaxes ever attained in motion picture art. (Print Ad-Mansfield Shield, ((Mansfield, Ohio)) 3 September 1916)
Год: 1916
Режиссер: Джордж Е. Миддлтон
Жанр: Драма
A Stirring Love Tale of the Days of California Missions
Год: 1916
Режиссер: Ллойд Б. Карлтон
'Tis well said that when a man becomes rich he forgets his poor brethren. Here is a Russian peasant risen to the ranks of a American Steel King, forgetting all his people and his loving wife. (Print Ad-Rome Tribune-Herald, ((Rome, Ga.)) 12 October 1916)
Год: 1916
Режиссер: Эдгар Льюис
Жанр: Драма
A story dealing with the hypocrisy of the rich and in which love wins over wealth. An appealing story offered in an unusual manner. (Print Ad- Duluth Herald, ((Duluth, Minn.)) 7 October 1916)
Год: 1916
Жанр: Драма
Год: 1916
Режиссер: Френсис Форд

Приключения Пег на ринге

The Adventures of Peg o' the Ring
Год: 1916
Год: 1916
Режиссер: Френсис Форд
Год: 1916
Режиссер: Генри МакРэй