Смотреть фильмы из категории документальный в Full 1080 онлайн
A personal and poetic quest for home and identity. A journey between Belgium and Kurdistan, between residence and origin.
Режиссер: Bavi Yassin
Жанр: Документальный
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The story of how one unknown pickup game not only changed the lives of underprivileged kids, but also propelled the career of a now three time NBA champion.
Режиссер: Мехелле Лэвэлл
Жанр: Документальный
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one man's journey to make air travel safer
Режиссеры: Тристан Лорейн, Beth Moran
Жанр: Документальный
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Get a taste of Columbia river's deadly diet
Режиссер: Ксения Рабинович
Жанр: Документальный
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Yes we can change the world with the Power of Music !
Режиссер: Chantal Denoux
Жанр: Документальный
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When did my addiction recovery become someone else's profit?
Режиссер: Дориан Бич
Жанр: Документальный
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A Theatre of Survival in a Time of Turmoil
Режиссеры: Дэн Пул, Марк Стрит
Жанр: Документальный
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A dark underworld lurking among us threatens our society as we know it.
Жанр: Документальный
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A documentary that follows the treacherous journey of modern day stowaways.
Жанр: Документальный
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One Way to Do It: The Journey of the Soul is an incredible, spiritually uplifting feature documentary about the life and music of Russell Oliver Stone.
Режиссер: Руперт Брайан
Жанр: Документальный
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A journey to three astronomical observatories in three different continents, in search for our place in the cosmos.
Режиссер: Milad Tangshir
Жанр: Документальный
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An exploration of the latest scientific findings on Early Childhood Development and the opportunity it represents for future success in life.
Режиссер: Карлота Нельсон
Жанр: Документальный
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