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You're on a need-to-know basis, and that's all he needs you to know
Режиссер: Маркус Кемптон
Жанр: Боевик
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Just a modern day cowboy in a world resembling the past... or the future.
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Petey misleads his hot headed Capoeirista brother Tony, to believe their sister Taliya (played by Lil Mama) is in trouble with a rival Capoeira group. Tony rushes in head full of steam to 'save' tallish. This starts both crews battling. Frankie, Taliyah's older brother and leader of the the clique, stops the battle and turns it into a one on one Capoeira game for title.
Режиссер: Ирвин Миллер
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Американского рейнджера с психологической травмой преследуют мучительные воспоминания о семейной трагедии, когда он во время снежной бури оказывается вместе со своим отрядом в отдалённом шале в лесу. Борясь за выживание, они находят коробку, наполне…
Режиссер: Маркус Алькерес
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There's always got to be a fall guy and you're it.
Режиссер: Eric Garson
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Medieval movie set in the 13th century around the time Switzerland was confederated. It's based on Switzerland's National Hero Wilhelm Tell who fought the Habsburger regime.
Жанр: Боевик
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